Monastery of St John the Baptist library scene with religious books stacked up on the foreground

Monastery of St John the Baptist

Online Bookshop

New Publications

Wavering in Quest of the Kingdom Which Cannot Be Moved

Wavering in Quest of the Kingdom Which Cannot Be Moved

We use the energy of emotion, pain or contrition for our converse with God. We begin to pray according to our need, for example, for forgiveness of our transgressions and the healing of our heart from the pestilence of sin. Keeping this humble attitude, we pour out our heart before God to the end, and we receive His consolation. Then, we even forget how our affliction began; only the consolation of prayer remains. In this way, we derive profit from every event, whether positive or negative.


Flying over the Abyss

Flying over the Abyss

Spiritual mourning reverses the temptation of the Fall: it cleanses every corner of man’s heart from every impurity so that it becomes a true vessel of divine grace for his sanctification. When his heart is thus enlarged, he becomes a true image of God, that is, a repetition of the Hypostasis of Christ. And according to Saint Sophrony, when there are such repetitions on earth, the nature and fate of the whole creation changes. Their prayer sustains the world.


Echoes of the Spirit

Echoes of the Spirit

The Feasts of the Lord are ‘signs’ of God. They are windows through which we see the great and marvellous works of our Lord. Yet the life of God is infinite, and when it is revealed to us in our weakness we can scarcely comprehend the slightest aspect of it. We need the key of the Patristic Tradition which opens the door to the supra-cosmic grace of each feast and makes us contemporaries of eternal events so that we enter the ‘secret bridal chamber of Christ, where the Lord’s love unto the end meets the gratitude of sinful man.’


Popular Books

Our Publications

We Shall See Him as He Is

We Shall See Him as He Is





Prayer as Infinite Creation

Prayer as Infinite Creation

Latest Reviews

What our Readers Say

Thank you very much for the wonderful book Flying Over The Abyss. It brings me so much joy and enlightenment of the heart to read, it enriches the soul as every paragraph is a seed of hope that guides our path to understanding the truth.

Yiasoumis Yiasimi, GB
05, Feb 2025

I bought this book a few years ago when I visited the monastery out of curiosity while passing by. I am a Christian but am not Orthodox. I did not understand the liturgy as I think it was in Church Slavonic but I stopped at the bookshop and bought this as I wanted further insight especially on the Jesus Prayer. I found it in this book. The content is deep and searching and reaches deep inside you. There is so much searching material here that I will have to read this book several times to mine its riches. The visit was not in vain.

Matthew B, GB
05, Feb 2025

We pray our Arch. Zacharias keeps writing these beautiful books to guide our daily fallen life-to illuminate my fallen self- to keep me on His Way-the only Way Life has any meaning with all its struggles which turn to opportunities in Christ! No more despondency, no more boredom but a goal- to attain- The Echoes of the Spirit!

Costa Neocleous, US
03, Feb 2025

Five out of five for me!!.
Such an incredibly beautiful book everything so far that I have read to me is incredibly beautiful.
I can’t describe the way I feel when reading it but i am so very grateful to have found it.

Darren jude, GB
02, Feb 2025

‘Walking in Quest…’ is another precious gift from The Community of St John the Baptist. Here are helps to stay steady even when we are tempted to be unstable. In fact, instability becomes itself a gift where we can begin again in thanksgiving and repentance, communion continues with His living Presence. Father Zacharias gives us holy foundational wisdom that brings hope and fresh energy. He writes, ‘Monasticism is the inheritance of a state’, these writings help us ‘in the world’ to at least attempt to imbibe such a state, by His grace and mercy.

There are many questions relating to obedience in monastic life and I found Father Zacharias’ gracious answers applicable to the wider challenges of local church life.

So, here we have a book that nurtures the soul in its pursuit of God: yet does not flinch from the dynamics of walking in obedience to our brothers, sisters and overseers. We are reminded our core is an unshakeable Kingdom where we worship One who loved us to the end.

Tony Martin (pastor), GB
29, Jan 2025

Very pleased to receive these delightful calendars, with their beautiful Icon images and peaceful words of comfort and inspiration; truly reflective of the Monastery itself, first visited over forty years ago.

David Kidman, GB
25, Jan 2025

Homilies on Great Church Feasts

The trilogy of these books covers the period of the Triodion up to the Feast of All Saints after Pentecost.

View all Publications
  • Great Lent Homilies

    At the Doors of Holy Lent covers each Sunday preceding the Triodion up to the Sunday of Forgiveness.
    Alive From the Dead follows on from where At the Doors ends and covers all the Sundays up to Pascha

    Alive from the Dead

    Alive from the Dead
  • Homilies on the Pentecostarion

    Thirst for Life Eternal has a doxological character and covers all the feasts from Thomas Sunday up to the Feast of All Saints.

Kind Words


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Thank you for continuing to release Fr. Zacharias’s writings. They are incredibly encouraging personally and very helpful for pastoring. As a mission-planting priest, these books have enabled me to connect the hard work we are doing here with God’s desire for our salvation. I hope Fr. Zacharias is able to continue publishing for a long time.


The spiritual inheritance passed down from St. Silouan to St. Sophrony to Fr. Zacharias is invaluable as it speaks with such clarity to the needs of our time. That has been my experience – first as a seminarian, and now as a young priest. I routinely draw on the publications of the work of St. Silouan, St. Sophrony, Archim. Zacharias, & Archim. Peter – both for myself and for my pastoral work in the parish. The way these publications speak of the Gospel and the fulness of the life in Christ has been uniquely helpful to me personally and in my work as a priest.

I would also like to offer my thanks for the physical quality and overall appearance/aesthetic of the books themselves. The clothbound hardback with stamped text & logo makes for a superior look and feel for the books. The high-quality paper, uncrowded pages, and even the font, all contribute to the unparalleled reading experience. I appreciate that the books available in hardback will lay flat. Additionally, I have greatly appreciated recent publications – such as At the Doors of Holy Lent – that included two-color text and a ribbon bookmark.


The books published by the monastery are tremendous blessings. The quality and content are a feast in the wilderness for which, I know as the manager of our church bookstore, many are grateful and growing in faith and faithful knowledge and awareness.

In addition, thanks to you, Father Peter, Father Zacharias, the translators, and all at the monastery involved with the Sunday talks and the decision to make the recordings available for those unable to listen in real time.

The quiet considerations and careful attention to grace filled details manifest in the ministries and outreach of the monastery reveal the inspiring obedience to Saint Silouan and Saint Sophrony present in your midst.


I have read everything available from Archimandrite Zacharias, and yet every time I embark on reading his latest work, it’s like I’m clinging to a tiny but precious thread that leads all the way to eternity. I am forever grateful for his wisdom and utterly penetrating insights into the nature of Orthodoxy and God’s infinite love for His children, even when they turn away or don’t realize His presence. More than ever, the world needs a voice like Archimandrite Zacharia’s.

Robert David VivianMI, USA

I have recently purchased Christ, Our Way and Our Life from you and I am so very glad that I have. As an Anglican it is one of the most powerful works that I have ever read. Although I am only part way through, it has illuminated my thought with a clarity that I have not felt outside of Holy Scripture. I give my genuine thanks.

DavidStaffordshire, UK

Thank you for the beautiful books you offer. They are always among my favorites to read. When I first came across Saint Sophrony’s writings I was fairly new to Orthodoxy and was astounded by how beautiful and precise were his descriptions which helped me immensely to understand what I was going through. The further distillation of his teaching by Father Zacharias is even more beautifully accessible to people searching for much needed inspiration living in a tired, worn down world.

Erin MariaOR, USA

I received the parcel last week and I was extremely glad! Thank You for all the little bookmark presents, that I will pass on to others, to “disseminate” my joy also 🙂 But more, I want to thank Fr Zacharias for his new book, The Otherness of Love, which is a real inspiration even for us, those who are living in the world with families and children. I found many answers to some questions I have been tormented with for years, such as the question of the authority in education, and I never found the way until now. This book is so “other” than any other book I’ve read! I thank Fr Zacharias again and again for his kenosis which enriches us all!

AncaBucurești, Romania

Truly, these books are hidden treasure. I have a good amount of them already and Lord willing will try to purchase the rest of them. They will be books that can be read over and over and are filled with much spiritual guidance and theology. Truly underrated and not talked enough about! I pray that this monastery gets more recognition so their books may be read by many in here America!

Nektarios CorralizaSt.Katherine Greek Orthodox ChurchAZ, US

I am always amazed and happy at how quickly the books arrive and the packaging is absolutely perfect. Thank you very much for the icon bookmarks that accompany the books, they come along with me through the text and prayers. These books are holy words for me. Reading these books brings peace and grace. Often, when I am in difficult situations, I read one or a few sentences and I am comforted and find answers. It’s like the fathers are speaking directly to me. Thank you all for your work and for bringing such great help into the world.

CorneliaZürich , Switzerland

Just received today the wonderful book Hesychasm by Father Zacharias. I was waiting for it to arrive, it was a joy to discover the parcel.

Such a beautiful book and such precious contents. Please thank Father Zacharias for his writings. I also have his Remember Thy First Love book, in French translation, it was a Christmas gift in 2020 from my Godmother who is a nun. I have books by Saint Sophrony in excellent French translation and look forward to reading more in the English versions.

Thank you for the lovely packaging and Saint Sophrony bookmark, lovely surprise, the book is so beautifully printed and presented it is a joy and blessing to receive and read it. It will be a joy to order other books from you when possible.

Again thank you, and gratitude for the Zoom conferences of Father Peter and Father Zacharias.

Fiona SeraphimaCôte-d'Or, France

I have really enjoyed all the books I have received from your bookshop. Working through the website was easy, and I was surprised at the speed of delivery since I am in the US. I received the package a while back, but remember no defects, and the books all are in great condition. Having been a bookstore manager for 17 years, this is a sign that the packaging was well done. No bent corners is always a plus. Thank you for your excellent offerings and service. I do appreciate the email updates as well, especially because they are not overwhelming in number.

Joanna JaquetteOR, USA

The content of these books is the breath of life! All of us readers are grateful for the clear exposition of spiritual truth. The effort to produce these books and capture these talks is a priceless ministry from the monastery to those of us “in the world.” May God continue to bless you in this ministry.
Shipments from Essex to us here in the US have been without damage or loss and for the most part arrive in short time.
As for the online bookstore ministry, it is a valuable means of outreach and, to me, the value lies in the easier access to the books and materials produced by the monastery. The website is the one place to go to find all that is available from the monastery press. Thank you!

RichardPA, USA

The writings of St. Silouan, St. Sophrony and Fr. Zacharias touch me so deeply in my heart and soul they bring tears to my eyes, especially St. Sophrony’s books. The depth of their spiritual understanding comes from knowing our Loving God and experiencing the struggle we each have as human beings, to stay on the narrow path in this life that leads us to our true spiritual home. At times, I am astounded at their ability to put in to words the divine wisdom that they have been given and hold in their hearts, that I just sit and stare in to space hands clasped to my heart, tears pouring down my face in gratitude for their bearing of their souls for the benefit of all who read their books and their own personal unending pursuit of surrendering their will to our Loving Jesus. They are truly blessed and serve as a blessing to all humanity. God bless all of us. 🙏🏼

Debra BerryWY, UK

Archimandrite Zacharias books are like a good movie- I cannot stop reading them!!!!

Costakis NeocleousGA, USA

I was born in Christ throughout the writings of Saint Silouan and Saint Sophrony, when I was 17 years old and when I knew nothing about what means to be a christian. After that, my life completely changed. I want to thank you all, to the entire community from Essex monastery who make possible the Sunday talks and special thanks to Father Zacharias and Peter for whom I feel very grateful because through their writings and talks they really help me to learn such profound and useful things about how to consolidate my spiritual life. From no one have I heard such a high teaching about life in Christ as from them.
With deep and profound gratitude,
Sister Ecaterina

Sister EcaterinaRomania, RO

Exceptional books come from Essex Monastery! Saint Sophrony’s and Saint Silouan’s writings are a true testament of humbleness and love. This Monastery is a true treasure to Great Britain. May the prayers of Our Most Holy Theotokos reach everyone at Saint John’s the Baptist Monastery. God bless!

Oana AndronicRomanian Orthodox Parish of LiverpoolMerseyside, GB

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In his present state, man is characterised by the instability of his life. This instability, however, can become the cause of great spiritual progress. Afflicted by successive oscillations, he recognises that he is unable to accomplish spiritual works that can endure the gaze of the eternal Judge. In this way, he acquires the awareness of his spiritual poverty. With this awareness, man humbles himself before God and becomes receptive to His grace and help.

It is natural to go up and down in our spiritual life. Yet, with humility for our deficiency, we ask God to continually grant a new beginning in our lives so that we may receive from Him new mercies. In this way, we build our spiritual edifice—our eternal salvation—within the holy Kingdom of God and of His Angels, ‘with all the saints’ of all ages.

- Archimandrite Zacharias 

🌟 New Book:

#essexmonastery #sophrony #silouan #archimandritezacharias #kingdom #kingdomofgod #jesus #christ #jesuschrist
"The Cross is not a person, but it is the saving energy of Christ, which is personal." ... "When we venerate the Cross, we venerate the Person of the Lord, because the energy that accompanies the Cross is the saving energy of His Person.”

— Archimandrite Zacharias
📖Flying over the Abyss, p. 169

#essexmonastery #sophrony #silouan #archimandritezacharias #abyss #cross #person #jesus #christ #jesuschrist
"Man of the Deep Heart" - A conference organised by Vatopedi Monastery today, where the books of Archimandrite Zacharias will be presented.

🎦 The conference will be broadcasted live from Pemptousia TV 👉🏼

📌 Friday, November 22, 2024 at the Athens College Theatre, at 17:00 Athens time (GMT +2)

#essexmonastery #sophrony #archimandritezacharias
Post-Humanism and Artificial Intelligence - An International Scientific conference organised by the Holy Great Monastery of Vatopedi @immb.vatopedi in Athens. 

🎤 Today is the 4th day of the conference and among the speakers were our Hegumen Father Peter and soon Father Zacharias will give his talk.

🎥 The conference is transmitted live on YouTube and here you can find the talk by Father Peter and Father Zacharias, among other well known eminent speakers 👉🏼

🗓️ The program of the conference can be found here 👉🏼

🎞️ You can view all the talks in Englsih or Greek on Pemptousia Channel Web Tv on Youtube

#essexmonastery #sophrony #archimandritezacharias #posthuman #posthumanism  #ai #artificialintelligence
🏔️Where Spiritual Literature meets the Majestic Swiss Alps: Flying over the Absyss

#essexmonastery #sophrony #archimandritezacharias #abyss #silouan
A new book by Father Zacharias - Flying Over the Abyss as well as our Calendar for 2025 are our new releases this November. 

‘Generalised despair’ characterises our epoch. Thus, an encounter with it is inevitable. Man must know how to face it profitably. Saint Sophrony distinguishes between morbid and charismatic despair. The former destroys man, while the latter can become the spark for the wondrous leap into the sphere of eternity. Successive trials and visitations of divine grace strengthen the Christian athlete so that he can stand firm not on the edge of a single abyss, but two: the abyss of God’s mercy and the abyss of his own corruption and misery. And then ‘deep calleth unto deep’ (Ps. 42:7). On the one hand, through repentance, and on the other, through thanksgiving, he is initiated into the universality of Christ. Then he begins to thank the Lord for all His gifts, both to him and to the entire universe, and above all, to the Saints, ‘most especially’ to His Most Pure Mother. At the same time, he ‘contends’ with Him, not for selfish reasons but for the salvation of the world. This struggle is dispassionate. It is governed by man’s intense desire to know God more deeply, to follow Him more faithfully, to love Him more perfectly, and to dwell with Him ‘world without end’.

— Archimandrite Zacharias

#essexmonastery #sophrony #archimandritezacharias #abyss #silouan
Gifting books to people does not have to be boring ✨
Hot off the press! 📚 New titles arriving in June.
As we approach Mid Pentecost, we had a beautiful talk this evening given by our Hegumen Fr Peter on the Gospel of the Paralytic. You can find the full recording in our website's library section (very soon).

Photo from a happy cat in Cyprus☀️
🚚 Yesterday afternoon we received the new stock of the republication of the classic edition of the book ***Saint Silouan the Athonite*** written by Saint Sophrony the Athonite. 

🗓️ Also we have limited stock of the Calendar for 2024. 

📬✈️🌍 We started shipping all the pre-orders and it will take us a few days until we catch up with the current orders. 

Thanks be to God.

#essexmonastery #saintsilouan #sophrony #mountathos
Merry Christmas! 

We were a bit late with our 2024 Calendar this year but it will be with us very soon. Together with our calendar is coming the much anticipated book Saint Silouan in English. Undoubtedly it has been the most requested book these past few years. We had some obstacles with the republication but finally with God’s help and the prayers of our Saints Silouan and Sophrony we managed to bring it to life again. 

🔗Book: Saint Silouan ->
🔗Calendar 2024 ->

About the arrival of the books: 

If there is no delay at the port of Dover, the books and the calendar will be with us this coming week. Otherwise we’ll have to wait until after Christmas to get them. Nevertheless you can pre-order them now for quick dispatch once our stock becomes available. This way we’ll have a bit of time to organise the shipping. You can estimate the arrival of your order sometime in January depending where you are in the world.

#essexmonastery #saintsilouan #sophrony #booktree
Our latest book gift wraps from last month plus our Christmas specials! 
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 2, to his sister Maria. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois 16th-17th September 1958.

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
Our recent gift wraps, wrapped with all our heart and full of joy 🥰
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 39, to his sister Maria. The Old Rectory, Christmas 1968/1969.

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom

The past month was very productive and we published more than a dozen new titles in English, Greek, Romanian and Serbian.

"Born from on High" by Saint Sophrony
"Ask, and It Shall Be Given You" by Archimandrite Zacharias

"Mariam, the Mother of God and Mother of Our Life" by Archimandrite Zacharias
"Perfect Surrendering to the Spirit of Salvation" by Archimandrite Zacharias

#essexmonastery #sophrony #saintsophrony #archimandritezacharias #orthodox #theology #christian #christianbooks #clothbound #prayer #christianprayer #mariam
His Life is Mine - New Greek Edition

Η Ζωή Του ζωή μου, μετά από πολλά χρόνια έχει επανεκδοθεί, με τη βοήθεια του Θεού και τις ευχές του Αγίου Σωφρονίου, με διορθωμένο/αναθεωρημένο κείμενο σε καινούρια επιμελημένη σκληρόδετη έκδοση.

#sophrony #christianbooks #christianorthodox #orthodoxy
🎉 Today we had a delivery. Our new books translated in Romanian, Greek and Serbian have arrived and are now available to buy on our Bookshop.
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 4, to his sister Maria. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois 11th December 1958.

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 34 to his sister Maria. The Old Rectory
27th April 1968, Bright Saturday.

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
Extract from the book "We Shall See Him as He is" - the personal autobiography by Saint Sophrony the Athonite.

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #orthodox #christianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
🕊️ More Books arriving Soon! Our Sisters went to Greece and worked hard to prepare all these beautiful books for all of you. And this is not all. In November they are preparing a big surprise! They definitely need all of our prayers to bring their task to completion.
New Titles in Romanian arriving soon...!
Αιτείται και Δοθήσεται Υμίν -  Το καινούριο βιβλίο του Αρχιμανδρίτη Ζαχαρία.

Το βιβλίο είναι το πρώτο από μια μικρή σειρά βιβλίων που έπονται να εκδοθούν τον επόμενο χρόνο. Περιέχει ερωτοαποκρίσεις που έχουν μαζευτεί από την πολύχρονη διακονία του Πατρός Ζαχαρία ως πνευματικού και διάκονου του λόγου του Θεού στους ανθρώπους.

Σήμερα ολοκληρώθηκε η εκτύπωση του βιβλίου και σύντομα θα είναι διαθέσιμο σε βιβλιοπωλεία στην Ελλάδα αλλά και στην ιστοσελίδα μας.
Sneak Peek From the Printing House ⭐
New Title by Archimandrite Zacharias - Available Soon

Ask, and it Shall Be Given You

"When you get up in the morning it is good to wash your face and immediately give thanks to God for all things, read some prayers of the Church, say some prayers from your heart and then practise a little the Jesus Prayer. Then the energy of this prayer will accompany you the whole day, and I am sure that all your works in that day will be blessed by it."

#essexmonastery #sophrony #saintsophrony #archimandritezacharias #orthodox #theology #orthodoxchristianbooks #christianbooks #prayer #christianprayer
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 2 to his sister Maria. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois 16th-17th September 1958

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
"Men are ignorant of the power of Christ's humility, and that is why they aspire to the things of this earth; but without the Holy Spirit they cannot know the force of these words of Christ. But he who has learned will never relinquish his knowledge, even were he to be offered all the kingdoms of the world.

O Lord, grant me Thy humility that I may be filled with Thy love, and Thy holy fear may dwell in me.

Life is burdensome without love for God. The soul feels sombre and stale; but with the coming of love her joy passes description.

My soul thirsts after the humility of Christ, and yearns for it day and night, and ever and anon I cry with a loud cry:
'My soul yearns after Thee, O Lord, and weeping I seek Thee.'"

Extract from the writings of Saint Silouan, whose memory the Church commemorates today. Happy and blessed feast unto all.

#essexmonastery #sophrony #silouantheathonite #saintsophrony #orthodox #theology #christian #christianorthodox #christianbooks #clothbound #prayer #christianprayer
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 2 to his sister Maria. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois 16th-17th September 1958

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 4, to his sister Maria. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois 11th December 1958.

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 4, to his sister Maria. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois 11th December 1958.

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
Monasticism: The All-Embracing Gift of the Holy Spirit has been published in hardaback clothbound for the first time. 

"Monasticism is indeed a peculiar way of life, a heavenly institution, a gift of the Holy Spirit. The Desert Fathers of the 4th century, who inaugurated monastic life, felt that the heavens had come down to earth, as we sing on the day of Pentecost: 'The nations of the city of David have seen strange things today,' things of the world to come. Saint John Climacus says that 'Angels are a light for monks, and the monastic life is a light for all men.' This light is the knowledge of the way of the Lord and and His commandments, which is preserved upon earth in the Church, through the way of monasticism."

#essexmonastery #sophrony #saintsophrony #archimandritezacharias #orthodox #theology #christian #christianbooks #clothbound #prayer #christianprayer #monastic #monasticlife #monasticism
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 4, to his sister Maria. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois 11th December 1958.

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
Some of our August giftwraps 🎁🌟Now in Automn we are preparing for even more special giftwrap 😊
Letters to his Family - Saint Sophrony's Letter 2, to his sister Maria. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois 16th-17th September 1958.

#sophrony #saintsophrony #essexmonastery #letters #orthodox #christianorthodox #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #wisdom
Τὸ μυστήριο τῆς Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου – The Mystery of the Mother of God

🎧Listen to the podcast - Link in Bio

May we all have a blessed Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, the Easter of the Summer.

Ευχές για ευλογημένη εορτή της Κοιμήσεως της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου. Καλό Πάσχα του καλοκαιριού!
Our July Giftwraps (2 of 2) This month our book giftwrap service is more special than ever with the addition of our new velvet ribbons. Always giftwrapped with love 🎁❤️
Our July Giftwraps! (1 of 2) This month our book giftwrap service is more special than ever with the addition of our new velvet ribbons. Always giftwrapped with love ❤️🎁
Word for Saint Sophrony - A talk by Archimandrite Zacharias. Link in Bio

Your blessing! Happy Feast of Saint Sophrony to All! 🌝❤️

#sophrony #saintsophrony #mountathos #churchfathers #holyfather #christian #christianity #orthodox #orthodoxchurch #orthodoxchristian
Our gift wraps in June. We experimented with some new ribbons and various ways of folding the wrapping paper. We try our best to make our books feel special for the moment you hand them to your dearest ones. 🎁❤️
Link in bio. 

Audio homily on the Sunday of All Saints by Father Zacharias

#essexmonastery #archimandritezacharias #sophrony #saintsophrony #allsaints
🎁📚 Embrace the Joy of Gifting! 🌟
We are delighted for our two new publications now available by Father Zacharias. Originally published in Greek last year, we have made every effort to bring them out in English as soon as possible. These books promise to offer profound insights into the theology of Saint Sophrony and wisdom to the readers.🙏🏼✝️⛪

Στα ελληνικά τα βιβλία τιτλοφορούνται ως "Υποστατική προσευχή μέτρον τελειώσεως" & "Προσευχή ως ατελεύτητη δημιουργία". 

#essexmonastery #sophrony #saintsophrony #archimandritezacharias #orthodox #theology #christian #christianbooks #clothbound #prayer #christianprayer
We treasure our books so much that we honour them with great care and attention in our gift wrap service ❤️😊🌷
Our today's giftwraps 🎁📚 ❤️

#sophrony #giftwrapping #christianbooks #essexmonastery #saintsophrony
The Mystery of Christian Life by Saint Sophrony 

A book where Saint Sophrony reflects on his path of Monastic Life and how the life of his Monastery in Essex was formed on the basis of the life and writings of his Elder, Saint Silouan the Athonite.

The book is unique in its own sense but also unique in the sense that it includes chapters written by Saint Sophrony on Motherhood, Marriage, and the History of Mankind.

In the Epilogue of this book, Saint Sophrony starts by reflecting on his own life as inseparable from the life of Humanity. While he reflects on this, gradually his writing turns to prayer and a strong cry of repentance.

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New Book - The Otherness of Love: The Response to the Supreme Calling of Christ

Father Zacharias in this book speaks about various key subjects for the monastic life and the christian life in general. At a glance the book speaks about:

🎯The Ethos of Christ as the Lamb of God and how us Christians are to follow His example.
🎯The perfect example of the Mother of God as a guiding star for our lives.
🎯The mad Love of the Friends of Christ. How the Love of God is made manifest to those that follow Him. 

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Το πρώτο βιβλίο του πατρός Ζαχαρία - Αναφορά στη θεολογία του Γέροντος Σωφρονίου. Η συγγραφή του βιβλίου έγινε τα πρώτα έτη μετά την κοίμηση του αγίου Σωφρονίου. Ήτανε επιθυμία του αγίου Γέροντος να γίνει πιο συστηματική παρουσίαση της διδασκαλίας του. Με προτροπή του κ. καθηγητή Γεώργιου Μαντζαρίδη, ο πατέρας Ζαχαρίας εκπόνησε διδακτορική διατριβή υπό την επίβλεψή του με θέμα "Η πραγμάτωση της υποστατικής αρχής στη θεολογία του Γέροντος Σωφρονίου".

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